视频开始之前先谢谢很多帮助过我的大佬和观众,有了你们的支持让我学到了很多!\n后面马上要忙起来了,短期内应该不会再更新,之后会尝试使用新的渲染器去做视频。\n喜欢的话请点点小红心~Orz\n(头发穿模真的很抱歉!)\nBefore I started the video, I would like to thank the many video authors and viewers who have helped me, I have learned a lot with your support!\nI\'m going to get busy soon, and I shouldn\'t be updating it anytime soon, and I\'ll try to use the new renderer to make videos later.\nIf you like it, please click a little red heart ~ Orz\n(I\'m really sorry about the hair clipping!) )