弱音的性治疗(Haku\'s Sex Therapy) part1经过没日没夜地爆肝终于做出来了(K帧新手差点猝死),这一部作品我想分成两部分,第一部分是舞啪,第二部分是纯啪,剧情是连贯的。不过啥时候做第二部分就难说了(摸鱼)。另外之前发的大鸭鸭那部在后面也会重置,总之先把大饼画上嘿嘿,作为新手很多东西都只是刚入门,视频做的好的和不好的部分让我在评论区听听你们的意见和感想,下个视频见啦!After working day and night, I finally made it (as a Key frame novice almost sudden death). I want to divide this work into two parts. The first part is dance sex, and the second part is pure sex. The plot is coherent. But it’s hard to say when to do the second part (lazy). In addition, the previously released Bronya part will also be reset later. Anyway, let me tell you my future plans first. As a new guy, I am just getting started with many things. Let me listen to your opinions and thoughts in the comment area about the good and bad parts of the video. See you in the next video!