Work description:Haha I bet everyone remembers this Japanese Meme song It was so so so viral on the internet back thenso I decided to give it some visuals...butyou know things would be boring if the pen(is) doesn\'t work its way through the fruits xD xD xDKickStart_Reason:Originally I was working on bar bar bar sex dance this monthI had every thing planned out and finish editing the models that I needbut then I found out that no matter what I do every time I load the projectthe speed would not be fast enough to do any animations and as you know Crayon Pop is a group of fiveso animating separately like Harem shake would be impossibleand forcing myself through that would just be a waste of timeSO....In order to achieve this I need all of your help to buy a new computerKickStart_Plan:I need appr. $1000 dollars to get to the least level requiredSo I edited my patreon page to only one 10 dollar tier and charged only when I make a paid postand once we hit the goal I\'ll then charge from all of you at once and go buy a new computerthus you\'ll only get charged onceKickStart_Benefit:After receiving the pledges I\'ll delete the tier and everything would go back to normal monthly paymentsBUT...I\'ll create another space (like DISCORD) for all of you pioneers that you can view every work I\'ve done in every level FOR FREE!! and FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!That\'s it!! So I hope that people who like my work could give me a little help to go to the next leveland in the mean time that we\'re not yet there at the goalI will still make those Sex Memes for you guys so stay tuned~Here\'s the patreon page https://www.patreon.com/DVST Thanks a lot to every one作品介紹:幾年前超紅的PPAP哈哈我決定把一些東西更視覺化(smirk但 如果比沒有真的插到水過裡面...就不逼真了呀 對吧 xD募資源起:這個月本來是要發Barbarbar(汽缸舞)的舞啪的...我模型也做好了 分鏡也想好了 劇情也弄完整了 還連續集都有譜了 但...我的2012Macbook Pro 顯卡和CPU沒法負荷了一開MMD專案 就卡頓到我連編輯動作都弄不準 繼續弄下去實在過於浪費時間 光等就飽了而且我這麼喜歡群交濫交的人 後續一定也會常常遇到類似的問題所以 來這邊求助於大家能夠募資買到一個比較好專門拿來做3d的電腦募資計畫:我大概需要1000美元(台幣30000元(人民幣8000元 左右的資金 看Mobile1論壇說的我現在Patreon這個網站設定為10美元一個作品所以我會在集到這個目標後 發一篇付費作品的貼文和大家收取費用 所以只會從各位身上拿走10美元對 不過如果妳是台灣人 私訊我我們也可以用其他的方式弄~ xD募資福利:重點在此 我在完成目標後 會把Patreon的方案刪掉然後 回到正常的月定額不過 這些幫助我買電腦的大大們我將另建一個空間把各位加進去 那裡面就會有我所有層級的影片或以後的任何形式的作品 此後完全無需收費 終身會員的概念對!!聽起來不錯吧 希望覺得我的想法讓你硬的人能小小推我一把 讓我的製作更上層樓不過 儘管在未達標的階段 我還是會持續推出像這種幹砲迷因影片給大家的這邊是我的Patreon首頁 感謝大家囉! https://www.patreon.com/DVST作品紹介:PPAP です 見ればわかるね!インビジブル果物とペンに実体化!ペンは実にアップルを挿入しませんなら寂しくなりますよ!wwクラウドファンディングの理由:実は今月予定のプロジェクトはCrayonPopのBARBARBARですでも。。。僕のパソコンは遅すぎるモーションの作りは不可能になりましただから皆さんの手伝いが必要ですクラウドファンディングの計画:必要の金額は90000円くらいですPatreonにする 10USD に一回請求するだけ クラウドファンディング褒賞:目標に達成する後PATREONのKickStarter Tier はいなくなりあす代わりにKickstartの皆さんは別の場所に移動するそしてあの場所は全てのビデオを自由に見て可能しかも一生無料ですはい!じゃ。。。応援お願いします! https://www.patreon.com/DVSTPS. 目標を達成する前にまたこの様なSEXMEMEを作りますから 心配しないてね