
20210403up SD-S【Love Me If You Can】by WDisland

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    2021 / 04 / 03
大家好,这是我的第一个MMD。很久以前我就在自学动画制作,但一直没有真正得做出作品,直到我发现了MMD这个简单上手的软件,直到我发现可以用它制作R18动画……欲望就是第一生产力!内容上模仿了kidps2大佬,妹子站在罪袋上跳舞,不过我还不是很清楚怎么实现的。添加了日文和中文字幕,不过我并不能听懂日语,所以干脆添加了我自己的妄想变成了H小说。不过总感觉好羞耻,如果大家需要的话,我会上传无字幕版本。渲染用的Ray,各个参数都还不太明白,勉强弄成了我喜欢的样子。另外把重力调成了负数,感觉乳摇变得更好一点……?目前先做成这样吧,希望你们能够喜欢。·另外,话说哪里有国人的里MMD交流区啊?好想能找个组织交流学习下,有好多效果根本不知道是怎么做的,日文的又看不懂……·Google Translate:Hi everyone, this is my first MMD.I taught myself animation production a long time ago, but I never really had to make a work until I discovered MMD, an easy-to-use software, until I found out that I can use it to make R18 animation...Desire is the primary productive force!The content imitates the kidps2, the girl is dancing on the man, but I still don\'t know how to achieve it.Added Japanese and Chinese subtitles, but I can\'t understand Japanese, so I just added my own delusion and turned it into an H novel. But I always feel ashamed. If you need it, I will upload the unsubtitled version.For the Ray used for rendering, I still don\'t understand all the parameters, so I barely make it look like I like it. In addition, if the gravity is adjusted to a negative number, I feel that the milk shake becomes a little better...?Let\'s do it like this for now, I hope you like it.·标题说明Caption:SD=Sex&Dance 爱爱&舞蹈S=Stand 妹子站在罪袋上·借用borrow:·模型model:Inwerwm(Lilia)Rastifan(罪袋)·动作motion:さだなか(Love Me If You Can)·场景stage:unknown(collaboration stage)