This is a 3 vs 3 Arena competition. Three men and three women are required to use all kinds of sexual skills to attack each other's competitors. Which party is the first to make all three of the other party climax at least once and is unable to fight again, even if it wins. The tactics of the two sides seem to coincide. They both concentrate their firepower to attack one of the other players, intending to break them one by one In the challenge arena, there is a competition between the endurance of the besieged players and the attacker's skills. Is the endurance of the besieged players more lasting? Or is the attacker better at sex?
(Because the male player's penis is too long, if all of them are inserted, the mask will fly out directly. It's all because the hands are firmly grasped that the mask won't fly out.)
これは3 VS 3の試合で、3男と3女の試合で、双方が各種類の性技を使って相手選手を攻撃することを要求しています。どちらが先に相手の3人を全部して少なくとも一回のクライマックスにして、また戦うことができなくて、たとえ勝利しますとしても。双方の戦術は期せずして一致したようです。全部火力を集中して相手の一人の選手を攻撃して、一つ一つ撃破するつもりです。土俵の上ですぐに両方の包囲攻撃選手の持久力と攻撃者の性技の勝負になりました。どちらの攻撃者の持久力がもっと長いですか?それとも攻撃者の性技がもっと優れていますか?
这是一场3 VS 3 的擂台比赛,3男对3女,要求双方施展各种性技攻击对方选手,哪一方率先把对方三人全部搞得至少一次性高潮并无力再战,就算胜利。双方的战术似乎不谋而合,都是先集中火力猛攻对方其中一名选手,意图逐一击破……擂台上顿时成了一场双方被围攻选手的耐力与攻击者性技的比拼,究竟是双方被攻击者的耐力更持久?还是攻击者的性技更高超呢?
narrator:One player on both sides was caught in a double attack
Women's player:hold one's own! If we stop to help you now, our previous efforts will be in vain
面具子:I can't hold on……It's too deep…… It's too fierce!
narrator:It's amazing! We can even hear the sound of each blow hitting through the stamens
Male player:This girl's body is too soft!! I'm dying!!MutaMutaMutaMutaMuta!!!
Women's player:Why hasn't this guy ejaculated yet?
narrator:Which player will be the first to fall?
面具子:Another orgasm!!! Again!!! Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!
Women's player:Hold on a little longer! If this guy ejaculates, we'll come and help you!