Momo decided to spread her body cream, and she is ready to have fun.
This motion forced me to use this scene again. And to create this video i had to spend a decent amount of time. As i had to render the video in avi format as much as 3 parts, each separately, and then again render these 3 parts in the full video in mp4 format. And i could not translate the name of this motion into english, so i did not change it.
Momo from this pack models - https://www.mediafire.com/file/c78hlnezax8mm7n/Utau_Pack.rar/file
Motion, camera and music is here - https://www.mediafire.com/file/v8ijw9v8y09igqq/%25E3%2583%2597%25E3%2583...
Stage from here - https://www.deviantart.com/amiamy111/art/STAGE-FLOOD-Space-Glow-329824011