
Drone Sex! Special Scene

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    2020 / 01 / 10
4K Original https://gum.co/mBKbl
your support keep me go on with much quality and fast production
i don't have Patreon but if you would like you can support me
by having any original videos from my store https://gumroad.com/limaa008
or you can direct support me on PayPal http://paypal.me/wyattto
Thanks Iwara
Thanks Gumroad
(RTX 6000 GPU Game Rendering)
*Rendering at lowest motion speed and highest frame rates it's hardly reach 58 fps
*Rendering @ 120Mbps @ 4k full raster then clip producing 1/4 zoom = Full HD @ 30Mbps
*Scaled up from 35fps to 60 fps
*Scaled up from 30Mbps to 48Mbps
*4-minutes clip required 3-4 hours hard works RAW Recording
*producing to normal speed then reach from 58 fps to 35 fps
*Final Results after total 20-hours working in 4 minutes clip = 35fps@30Mbps clean raster
*Game Rendered patreon / ProjectH