
[MMD] Kaat and Luna - Cat Food [R-18]

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    2016 / 04 / 06
Our station\'s favorite catgirl, Kaat, and her friend Luna stopped by a local diner. While they waited for their order, they couldn\'t resist showing off a dance routine they\'ve been practicing. Fortunately, one of our camera crews was there to catch the all the action.This video took a lot longer to finish than I expected. It was my first time using NCHLShader2, and it took a while to figure out how to adjust the lighting to get the balance I was looking for. There are several things I could still take more time to improve, but in the interest of getting this video completed, I decided to stop tinkering any further with the lighting and effects.I encountered a few problems while creating this video. At one point, the draw order of effects was giving me some strange problems with shadows, and it took a while to track that down. Next, I discovered some sync issues between this version of the song and the animation. I think that issue is mostly resolved, but there may be a few spots where the lip motions aren\'t completely in sync with the music. In the final stages of post-processing, I discovered a a problem with the bone behavior during part of the animation, so tried to fix that. After some failed attempts to resolve it, I ended up using a slightly different camera angle to hide the problem instead.Thanks again to J&J for the great models. I simply love Kaat, and now Luna is vying for my affection as well.For anyone interested, here is a link to the camera motion:http://tstorage.info/je96uxc1ohosI hope you enjoy this video!