作詞・作曲・ Lyrics & Music: SOLIDIO様: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18264143 (very good sound quality!)背景ビデオ:nibutani様・ Background video: Nibutani: http://video.fc2.com/ja/a/content/20140326SXgs22Ke/【MMD】voca Bondage night(This is THE legendary unbeatable MMD version of this song - don\'t miss it!)(It was a good idea of Nibutani to tie her arms behind her back. Otherwise would he have got huge problems with her arms clipping inside those big breasts.)翻訳・動画:碁石海岸までもう・ Translation & Video: goishikaigan mademou Please visit Nibutani\'s FC2 channel: http://video.fc2.com/a/member?mid=77186937Please visit my YouTube channel as well: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5M5hlMQjhR_QvoRoQ1aD7Qand the smut channel with my R-18 translations: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxGj3PQrKnv0_eZAQBGwZxQ This was the third time I borrowed material from Nibutani\'s Voca Bondage Night video. Please check my previous loans:1st: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agF3EMsNVYo&list=PLZ5Xbs4kyolRDpouJcwHyWHG2LEclNvKy&index=12nd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJqmCqQ0vMo&list=PLZ5Xbs4kyolRDpouJcwHyWHG2LEclNvKy&index=2 お借りしたMMDもの・ Borrowed MMD items:ステージ:ダンスホールver. 1.31:お遊戯P様、ヒノイ様、Kid様、黒胡椒様、銀匙P様、布カブッP様Stage:Dance Hall ver. 1.31: Oyuugi-P, Hinoi, Kid, Kurogoshou, Ginsaji-P, Nuno, Kabu’-P:http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16313647https://onedrive.live.com/?id=70C68CF16F0BDE95!252&cid=70C68CF16F0BDE95奪わないための掛け軸:きしれん様(と俺)・ Antitheft scrolls: Admiral Kishiren (and me):http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4353836http://ecchi.iwara.tv/images/stolen-iwara-anti-theft-scrollsMME AdultShader: Elle/Deeta-P/(Data-P),(Elle様/データP様):http://ux.getuploader.com/Elle_DataPort/download/9/AdultShader_v014.ziphttp://xoriu.deviantart.com/art/MMD-Shader-Preview-3-456570375モーション・ motion: AUGE様: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21115613 (even better sound!) (I compared both soundtracks with SPEK, and used this one because it\'s better. I cut away the first 8.067 seconds of silence with Audacity, to make it match Nibutani\'s background video).モデル・ models:つみ式ミク:つみだんご様・ Tsumi-Miku / Crime type Miku: Tsumidango:http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27427927http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29503530(The older ver. 1.0 seems to be out of distribution, replaced by ver. 1.1).Tsumi-Miku / Crime type Miku ver. 1.01 edit: J&J 様 Fps note:30 fps background video and 60 fps foreground video.(No mixup of 29.97/30.00 fps this time). English lyrics: VocaNico Night (BokaNiko Nai):VocaNico Night, la la laa... (x4)Beat out the rhythm, come on!Let\'s become engulfed by the sound wavesIf you shake your body,everything is gonna be alrightI think I\'ll dance with you, come on!Abandon yourself to this grooveLet\'s go and see the world where rays of light break (in fragments?)Don\'t sit holding your knees all aloneCome over here!Hot beats will rush aboutThe curtain will rise!VocaNico Night, la la laa... (x4)VocaNico Night, la la laa... (x8) Romaji:bokaniko nai, ra ra raa... (x4)RHYTHM kizande sa~aoto no NAMI ni nomareyoukarada yurasebaEVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHTkimi to odorou sa~akono GROOVE ni yudanetehikari kudakeru sekai o mi ni ikouhitorikiri hiza o kakaete nai dekoko ni oide yoatsui kodou kake-megurumaku ga ageru yobokaniko nai, ra ra raa... (x4)bokaniko nai, ra ra raa... (x8) kanji:(ボカニコ☆ナイッラララーラララララーラララララララーラー)(4回)Rhythm刻んでさぁ音の波に飲まれようカラダ揺らせばEverything is gonna be alrightキミと踊ろうさぁこのGrooveに委ねて光砕ける世界を見に行こう一人きり膝を抱えてないでここにおいでよ熱い鼓動駆け巡る幕が上げるよ(ボカニコ☆ナイッラララーラララララーラララララララーラー)(4回)(ボカニコ☆ナイッラララーラララララーラララララララーラー)(8回)