
Rinsitas (Meta Commentary)

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    2017 / 05 / 15
my TLDR is, we're all using derivative stuff, so i don't see why we need to be very strict on how the appearance matches the source material. If we keep this up, we'll blind ourselves to any good rin (or any other girl's material) out there.
idk why i feel so salty. it could be the lack of sleep (i've been awake for like 20+ hours), but let's just say i've been recieving quite a few private messages (NOT comments) about how the new rin ruins things.
no, i'm not making fun of anyone's preferences, i'm just saying, that using the old model is simply no longer practical, and i have to evolve past her. Both models are great, but for me, to do the stuff I want her to do, I have to edit a completely different model and shape her after rin.
tagged as ecchi because it's referring to such a video