何か新しいブラマジガールが居たからとりあえずRayの練習がてらトロルのうたげ。大体気力50%くらいで作った。I found a new type of Dark Magician Girl so as a practice for RayMMD I just did Troll dance. Yes I know there are like 2 others but it\'s practice. And yes I know I gave this like a 50% effort.I am taking video Requests. 動画リクエスト受けてます~ → https://odaibako.net/u/SirTunalotTwitter/ツイッター → https://twitter.com/SirTunalotModel: Dark Magician Girl/ブラックマジシャンガールver1.01 by JeanMotion and Camera/モーションとカメラ: Troll Dance/トロルのうたげ by Monotama/ものたまご https://fantia.jp/posts/477728Stage: szk_stage08 by 鈴木.zip様Ray-MMD