アイドル達から絶大な信頼を寄せられている2X歳765プロ事務員、音無小鳥。普段は真面目に仕事しているのだが、根っからの腐女子な彼女は妄想癖があるのだ。今日は昼間だというのに、アイドル達がエッチな目に合う、とんでもない妄想をしているみたいだぞ。Kotori Otonashi is a 2* years old 765 Pro office worker who is trusted immensely by her idols. She usually takes her job seriously, but she is a nerd and has a habit of fantasizing.Even though it\'s the middle of the day, she seems to be having the most outrageous fantasies about her idols getting sexually active.