没有打开胸部物理,否则甩动幅度过大,这样的幅度我认为正合适!(I didn\'t open the chest physics, otherwise the swing amplitude would be too large. I think this amplitude is just right!)每一期全部图片和视频均为同一建模,展示她不同的服装发型姿势表情。(All the pictures and videos in each issue are the same model, showcasing her different clothing, hairstyles, poses, and expressions.)可以感受到人物的兼容和适配性。无论什么发型服装,在这种建模身上都能衬托起来。 (You can feel the compatibility and adaptability of the characters. No matter what hairstyle or clothing, it can stand out on this modeling body)各位兄弟们记得看下我前几期连载的图,因为她们都是完全相同的人物。只更换了发型,服装,眼影,唇膏。皆さん、私の前の連載の図を見てください。彼女たちは全く同じ人物だからです。髪型、服装、アイシャドウ、リップだけ変えました。Brothers, remember to take a look at the pictures I serialized in the previous issues, because they are all identical characters. Only changed hair style, clothing, eye shadow, lipstick.快手:https://www.kuaishou.com/f/X8b4YJ0M8SCw1nYQQ短视频:https://user.qzone.qq.com/406093B站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/102655243N站主页:https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/121533470