Unity动作购买 Unity motion download这个视频的灵感来源:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1wf421B7SzThe inspiration for this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBmAFjiJwsw这次尝试了一下不到一分钟的短视频,因为我想之前每个视频的制作间隔拉的都比较长有时会让粉丝等很久,制作短视频可以稍微弥补这一点,并且制作起来没那么花费精力也可以给之后的长视频提供灵感,所以做了一次这样的尝试。Shorts的命名也是从Youtube那边的短视频借来的I decided to try making a short video this time, less than a minute long. Previously, the intervals between my videos were quite long, which sometimes kept fans waiting. Creating short videos can help fill that gap, as they require less effort and can also inspire ideas for longer videos. So, I gave it a shot.The name \'Shorts\' is also inspired by YouTube\'s short video format.-Patreon------Unifans--支付宝店铺fansky----Twitter---Discord---telegram