超人気番組「やよいお姉ちゃんと踊ろう!」今回はちょっと背伸びをしたいやよいが子供たちにエッチなお手本を見せてあげます。やよい「あう~私にはちょっと太くて最初はつらかったけど、踊っているうちに何だかお股がヌルヌルして気持ちよくなってきたかもです」The very popular TV show “Let\'s Dance with Big Sis Yayoi!” This time, Yayoi, who wants to act a little more mature, shows the children a naughty example.Yayoi: “Au~ It was a little thick for me and it was hard at first, but as I was dancing, my crotch felt slippery and I think it started to feel good.”