BEST OF NTR _ BATTLE _ HMVDescription:This is fan boy video and video contains clips and songs are not owned by me and support the ArtistPixeldrain link:https://pixeldrain.com/u/3BPcFdvFPatreon communityhttps://patreon.com/HibootysYour money helps me to pay my expenses like ( mobile recharge , wifi bills , other personal expenses )Source credits:Himawari wa Yoru ni SakuTsuma ni Damatte Sokubaikai ni Ikun ja Nakatta 1 , 2Song credits: https://youtu.be/AW0cRX_IYtc?si=hdJfbI3HUU6pItDtFor me this video is refferenceHMV - NTR HOES #1 https://www.patreon.com/user?u=105098059&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_linkHis video is inspiration for create this hmv and some of scenes i can negulated in this video so I just recreated with some changes pls support him he is really good creator 😀,