
[MMD] Serena | Miniskirt (Pokemon)

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    2023 / 12 / 31
It has been a long year for me, and I am grateful that you all come and watch the stupid shit I post. The sexy anime girls probably help.I have improved a lot, and I plan to get even better, so look out!Thank you for the amazing year. I have a lot of projects planned, so I hope you will continue to watch into the next year!I have much more to say but I have been sitting here for days trying to write it out, so we\'ll stick with this.As always, have a great day!SFW Version: https://youtu.be/_dZkc4kim10Serena Model: Tsumidango, Sour, Demitasse, J&J, JL, Newbie, Sticklove, and Scalloped PotatoesMale Model: Flayre, TDA, BurningEnchanter, Ikaros, and Scalloped PotatoesDance Motion: Natsumi-sanSex Motion: Scalloped PotatoesCamera: 000, CegooK and Scalloped PotatoesMusic: AOAStage: くてしふぉん , and amiamy111Effects: AdultShader_v014, AutoLuminous4, Diffusion7, ExcellentShadow2, g_SimpleFog_01, ikBokeh_v020a, KiraKira_sparkleV2.1, MotionBlur3L_v002, WorkingFloor2_v008