完成しました→居眠り姉妹のペットボトルに変身 完成版 / Transforming into a snoozing sister\'s plastic bottle Part 1 2あらら、ご主人様の前で居眠りするなんて…そんなあなたたちは、いたずらされても文句は言えませんね♪Oh my, I can\'t believe you guys fell asleep in front of my master...In this situation, you can\'t complain even if you are pranked♪Fantia/Patreonには少し早く投稿します。無料で高画質版もあるので、よろしければへ加入をお願いします。High quality videos are also posted, so please join Patreon if you like.Also, if anyone wants to support me in continuing my video production, I would be happy if you could join the tipping plan.Patreon / fantia / X=Twitter