昨日もインタビューを受けてくれました、今ネットで大人気のコスプレイヤーへ今日も密着取材です。今日は彼女の魅力について、さらに深く調べていきます!The very popular cosplayer who was seen on yesterday\'s the news is appearing again today.I would like to introduce you to the charm of this girl.Fantia/Patreonには少し早く投稿します。無料で、字幕なしの高画質版もあるので、よろしければへ加入をお願いします。High quality videos are also posted, so please join Patreon if you like.Also, if anyone wants to support me in continuing my video production, I would be happy if you could join the tipping plan.Patreon / fantia / X=Twitter