久々の異世界倶楽部です気が付けば30作目だったんだねえ以前にプラベで使いましがモデルをRay対応させて改修した涼月躍らせてみました\nさしづめ【涼月改Ray】ってとこすかね艦これで初めて手に入れた防空駆逐がこの娘さんだったんですよね\n旗風も同じ時期に手に入れたんですよね楽しんでくれたら幸いですIt\'s been a while since I\'ve done another World Club, and I just realized that this is my 30th one.I\'ve been working on a private movie for a while now, but I\'ve modified the model for Ray and made it dance with Suzutsuki.\nI\'ve been working on this for a while now, and I\'ve realized that I\'ve made 30 of them.She was the first air defense destroyer I got in this ship.\nI also got Flagstaff at the same time.I hope you enjoy it!モデル モーション ステージ 楽曲 全ての作成者様に感謝いたします\n先行動画にライクして頂けた方々ありがとうございます*無言のフレンド申請は削除しますModel Motion Stage Thank you to all the creators of the song.\nThank you to everyone who liked the preceding videoSilent friend request will be deleted