予告っていうか今作ってる動画の予告編です。\n小さくさせられて色んな悪戯されちゃうの好きマン。綿棒で悪戯されたり、体全体を使われたりっていうのを考えてます。\n他に何か良いアイデアありましたらコメント欄に書き込んでくださると嬉しいです。\nアイデアを使えるかどうかは保証はできません。This is a trailer, or rather, a trailer for a video I\'m working on.\nI\'m a guy who likes to see magical girls being made small and having all sorts of pranks played on them.I\'m thinking of being swabbed and being naughty and having the whole body used on me.\nIf you have any other good ideas, I would be happy to hear them in the comments section.\nI can\'t guarantee that I will be able to use your ideas.https://www.patreon.com/MMD_SamOne