Blender の練習 0098-2
矢澤にこ 騎乗位の続きです。
Blenderのレンダリング結果をStable Diffusionで変換してみました。
Continuation of 矢澤にこ 騎乗位.
I converted the Blender render results with Stable Diffusion.
I reimplemented the loopback myself, outputting Canny images, and the rendering is now more stable.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please comment and I will answer them if possible.
practice 0098. more Stable Stable Diffusion / +liquid / images+blend available for download
softwares and assets
softwares: Blender 3.3.4 / Eevee + mmd_toolshttps://www.blender.org/https://github.com/UuuNyaa/blender_mmd_tools
addon: blender_mmd_uuunyaa_tools v2.2.4https://github.com/UuuNyaa/blender_mmd_uuunyaa_tools
character head: (MMD SIFAS)Yazawa Nico Normal v0.3 DLhttps://www.iwara.tv/images/love-live-sifas-%CE%BC%E2%80%99%EF%BD%93
character body: Sour式初音ミク Breath You Ver.demi 1.01https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/demitasse
motion: 電モーション配布https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuByKMpXRaTKg2xU4nkSlKTnOuIN
sounds: Hentai moans (pack of 5 + 3 freebies)https://sugarwaifu.gumroad.com/l/hentaimoans
batch script: Batch processing for stable-diffusion-webui API with sd-webui-controlnethttps://gist.github.com/UuuNyaa/ec1fccf727988259844e03a4ca2a4909