一般動画で上げたこちら(https://youtu.be/_gbKj36PW68)の続きになります。姫騎士である雪泉は異常発生したゴブリン退治のため部下とともに訪れた森にてゴブリンの襲撃を受ける。最初こそ優勢であったものの、あまりの数から劣勢になっていく。そんな中雪泉は疲労困憊で動けなくなった部下を撤退させ、自らの最大奥義にて周囲のゴブリンをなんとか一掃する。(ここまでが一般動画の内容)しかし、森の奥から通常とは異なる巨大なゴブリンが現れ雪泉を返り討ちにしてしまう。ゴブリンに囚われた雪泉の運命は如何に?って感じの流れのイメージで作ってみました。( ´艸`)何故か自分の中で「くっ殺騎士凌辱」が頭に浮かび、その欲望のまま作ってしまった(;゚Д゚)今回は捕らえられた雪泉をいきなり襲うのではなく快楽調教を施すっといった流れにしてます。お堅い騎士様のアソコをまずは調教しほぐして墜としやすくするというゴブリンらしくない手段にさせてたりしてますね(;´・ω・)_____________________________________________________________________This is a continuation of the general video (https://youtu.be/_gbKj36PW68).Yumi, a princess knight, is attacked by goblins in a forest she visits with her subordinates to exterminate an unusual outbreak of goblins.At first she had the upper hand, but the sheer number of goblins made her outnumbered and outgunned.In the midst of this situation, Yukizumi forces his men to retreat from exhaustion and manages to wipe out all the goblins around him with his own maximum strength. (This is the end of the general video.)However, an unusual giant goblin appears from deep in the forest and turns on Yukizumi.What is the fate of Yumi who is trapped by the goblin? I tried to make an image of the flow of the story like this.For some reason, I had the idea of a "knight\'s humiliation" in my mind, so I made this one with that desire in mind.This time, instead of attacking the captured Yumi out of the blue, I decided to give her a pleasant training.The first thing I did was to train the hard knight\'s pussy to loosen it up so that it would be easier for me to kill him, which is not like a goblin.