
康熙(白皇 阴阳) Kangxi - Chocolate Cream - R18

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    2022 / 08 / 03
Hi, it is Mosrp here. Right now, I\'m going to upload my 7th R18 MMD.Sorry about the updating pace, due to the fact that I\'m working in a multinational enterprise, there\'s always some issue that I can\'t handle myself and need to cooperate with my colleagues. So, the working hours taking up most of my spare time. Whatever, as long as there\'s still vacancy remain in a day, I will continue to make MMD.Talking about the MMD, well, I don\'t think this work is perfect because my laptop isn\'t as good as those which can render the video in fast speed (Only GTX 1650 insides). Only after outputting the video can make me know where goes wrong. This time, still the lighting......Last but not least, this time I change the clothes switching style as my fans contact me to make with such effects. I hope you would like it, if possible.If you like this video and desire to watch HD Edition(960MB), you can contact me via PM, and I will reply with Mediafire link later.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————嗨大家好,我是Mosrp,我来更新我第七个R18MMD啦非常不好意思,因为我工作在一家跨国公司,每天要高强度和海外的客户保持联系,我经常和我的同事两班倒(当然,我还是很喜欢这份工作的,因为我喜欢和国际交流),所以更新的速度可能时快时慢,还请各位谅解QwQ这次的打光还是出现了亿点点问题,比如正面太亮了,我好烦呀。因为我的电脑性能不太行,全能本,你懂的......说实话,我觉得能渲染出i站2020年的水平我都已经很欣慰了。我在做MMD的时候其实是一卡一卡的,调整的时候会比较麻烦,所以经常发生了一些很奇怪的bug或者导出后才知道整体画面不好看,次次导出的视频我都觉得是在及格分数线徘徊,还请各位看官轻拍QwQ这次我不仅尝试了双人的风格,我还换了变装的风格,因为不止一位盆友私信我换一下,于是我就尝试用这样的方法换装,我觉得也很棒,也希望各位会喜欢~如果你喜欢这个视频并且想看高清版本,你可以私信我,然后我会将Mediafire的网盘链接发给你(非常不好意思,不支持百度云网盘链接,还请谅解QwQ)