
case003_07(final)_BMGがショタ達を好き放題に調教して出荷するよ!DMGs trainig 2 shota!

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    2022 / 07 / 09
続き物なのでこの動画から見るとわけわかんないと思うので、最低限前回(case003_06)から見ることをお勧めします。Since this video is a continuation, it may not make sense if you start from this video. So I recommend you to watch from the previous video (case003_06) at least.https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/ro1r1f9ok7honarjw13:30以降はただの茶番です。興味のない方は飛ばしちゃってください。After 13:30 it is just a farce. If you are not interested, please skip it.case003最終回です!トゥーンBMGちゃんは短小いじめをさんざんした挙句に早漏煽り。からのアナルガン掘りでオスとしての自尊心をめちゃくちゃにしてくれます。BMGはシンプルに何度も何度も無理やり射精させます。勃たなくなっても《誘惑のシャドウ》で無理やり勃たせていつまでも・・・精神を攻めてくるトゥーンちゃんと物理で攻めてくるBMG、君はどっちを応援する!?(某戦隊風にw)This is the final case003!Toon DMG, she relentlessly bully him about his penis being short and prematurely ejaculate. After a lot of teasing, she starts to fuck him up and then she starts to fuck him up in the ass to fuck his self-esteem as a male.DMG, she simply forces her to ejaculate over and over again. Even if he loses his erection, he can force himself to erect with "Shadow of Eye" keep erect forever...Which will you root for, the mental crusher toon DMG or the physical crusher DMG? (In the style of a super sentai. lol)case003_06のように交互に少年達への調教を見せていく構成です。エンブレムがクルっと回って場面が変わる演出をやりたかったんです。子供のころに見たアニメでそういうのをやっていて、かっこいいなって思ったんですよね。^o^It is structured like case003_06, alternately showing the training to boys. I wanted to make the emblem turn and change the scene. I saw a cartoon that did that when I was a kid and thought it was cool. ^o^https://www.patreon.com/baranconPatreonはじめました。たまに進捗報告をしたりします。エロ本購入資金にしますので、もしよかったら募金してください。I started Patreon.I sometimes report on progress.Please donate to buy hentai books if you like.