
Club Kanmusu’s Tokyo DD-MODE with NAKA-CHAN【那珂 島風 江風 山風 松風 Z1 鈴谷 熊野 Prinz 衣笠 鳥海 足柄 Naka Shimakaze Kawakaze Yamakaze Matukaze Z1 Suzuya Kumano Prinz Kinugasa Chokai Ashigara】【艦これ KanColle】

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    2022 / 04 / 02
☆Fantia開設!!!☆Opened Fantia!!!☆ Fantia限定10分超えの完全新作長編動画を毎月投稿!!! 無料で見られる動画も毎月用意しますのでどうぞお気軽にお越しください!(´▽`) https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/487686Fantia exclusive 10-minute over length videos will be posted every month!!! I will also prepare free videos every month, so please feel free to come by! (´▽`)Patreonではこれまで通り毎月3本以上のPatreon限定新作を投稿! 御支援の累積に応じて特別長編動画の特典も多数御用意しております!^^ https://www.patreon.com/taroyamaPatreon will continue to post at least three new Patreon limited titles each month as in the past! Depending on the cumulative amount of your support, I also have a lot of special feature-length video gifts!チーム鈴谷のアイドル活動に嫉妬した那珂ちゃんさん。嫌がる駆逐艦を強制的に集めて「那珂ちゃんwithスーパーデストロイヤーズ」を結成!wさあ!ダンスの聖地、Club Kanmusu\'s Tokyoに殴り込み!チーム鈴谷とダンス対決だぁ!!!しかしClub Kanmusu\'s Tokyoは既に集積地棲姫の手に落ちていた!洗脳された重巡のお姉さん達が出した条件は那珂ちゃん達がパンツ一枚で踊ること。な「那珂ちゃんはパンツ一枚でも負けないっ!みんなっ!全力で踊ろうっ!!!」wwwNaka-chan was jealous of Team Suzuya\'s idol activities.She forcibly collected her reluctant destroyers. And she formed "Naka-chan with Super Destroyers"! wHere we go! Assault on Club Kanmusu\'s Tokyo, the sanctuary of dance! It\'s a dance showdown against Team Suzuya!!!But Club Kanmusu\'s Tokyo has already fallen into the hands of Supply Depot Princess!The condition that the brainwashed heavy cruisers put out is that Naka-chan and others dance only with panties.Naka "I will never lose even with panties alone! Everyone! Let\'s dance with all our strength!!!" www