
Bremerton - Love Options [Azur Lane]

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    2022 / 03 / 13
Those times where the breasts were sticking out and went back in were totally on purpose.Yup, totally not conveniently happend like that, nope.Tried to add some spice with a sex scene.Didn\'t turn out that well.Not to mention the awful camera angles.I also overused this stage a little bit so the next few videos will use this stage :vAnyway, next week is my 2 year anniversary :3Maybe you can guess what I\'ll be remaking.no, it\'s not Hey Girl :(InfoIdeas for videos and advice for improvements are welcome.Watch my tutorial to make your own videos :DFor more help with blender, visit the MMD & Blender Wiki.Credits[center][table][row][head]||--------------Asset--------------|[/head][head]|---------------Name---------------|[/head][head]|-------------Creator-------------||[/head][/row][row][col]Model[/col][col]Bremerton[/col][col]あかね[/col][/row][row][col]Stage[/col][col]怪しげなステージ[/col][col]くてしふぉん[/col][/row][row][col]Motion[/col][col]Love Options[/col][col]DANDELION ESTUDIO[/col][/row][row][col]Camera[/col][col]Love Options Camera[/col][col]CegooK[/col][/row][row][col]Audio[/col][col]Love Options(연애의 조건)[/col][col]BESTie(베스티)[/col][/row][/table][/center]ToolsMikuMikuDanceVMDサイジングBlendermmd_toolsmmd_uuunyaa_tools