
Seren and Leon discuss math (yaoi)

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    2019 / 04 / 19
I\'ve been looking at Seren\'s ass for a long time, I just had to have him getting fucked. He\'s easily one of my favorite male models now, both giving and receiving.This might also come as a shock to you guys like, "wait, you\'re doing yaoi now?" Well, yes and no. Only fem boys, even then, I\'m very picky about it. Don\'t worry, I\'m not going to go mental and start posted Fem-Boy focused content super frequently, just every now and then. Alright, with that said and done, next video will be something hetero this time. It\'s almost done, so maybe a few days from now it will be uploadedSeren is owned by SDvl:https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/sdvlFollow me on my twits for updates on videos or whateverhttps://twitter.com/mister_orzoOr join in my Discord server: https://discord.gg/sKFjcMgAlso the reason I chose to use female voice clips for Seren was that there aren\'t any male voices that I like, plus this was short notice, so not enough time to gather voices. Maybe next time?